And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
— our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 14:23)

We believe in taking the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8). By supporting faithful missionaries who love the Lord Jesus Christ, believe the Bible, and labor to win lost souls, we work to fulfill the Great Commission.

Currently, we support two missionaries: One to the Philippines, Brother Howard Hunter, and one to Russia. We plan to support more missionaries as our church grows.


Howard Hunter—Philippines


Brother Hunter has been a missionary to the Philippines since 2001. He spends many months every year visiting churches around the Philippines and giving them sound Bible teaching and preaching. There are many churches in the Philippines just like in the United States, but also like the U.S. they have a lack of knowledge about Bible doctrine. Brother Howard has been supplying this need for over 22 years.

In the last few years, Brother Hunter has been also planting Bible-believing radio stations in the Philippines. He has been helping native pastors to supply the content and getting the gospel out to millions. Recently, he has been working to raise support for low-watt stations that can be produced much more cheaply and given to native pastors around the country. Pray for him and his family as he continues this great work.


Brother W. — Russia

This brother and his family have been in Russia for a bit now serving Christ to people that are in desperate need. They are part of the underground church and have been faithfully witnessing to people in rural communities. The Lord has given them much opportunity to spread the gospel, often to people who have never heard it before. In November 2022 they just were able to witness to an entire village and most of them received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour!