What Makes Bible Baptist Church So Different?

Since 1901, the authority in a man’s life in America has been slowly eroded. Many pastors and Christian colleges have been teaching that there is no final authority—that no Bible is capable of being perfect and guiding and exhorting the individual Christian. Because of that teaching, our country has slowly decayed from the inside until the present day, where now, society as a whole—to include churches—no longer believes that God has anything perfect written down for them.

Without a perfect standard, individual values and morals have been reduced to nothing greater than “That was the way I was brought up” or “That’s just what you think, everyone has their opinion.” But despite the efforts of Christian education, God still has a perfect standard and it is the King James Bible. There are no contradictions in it and no errors or mistakes contained within it. Conversely, it is God’s perfect words and has truth locked into it.

At Bible Baptist Church of Fredericksburg, we lift up this perfect book as the standard and sure foundation for each individual. With this authority, you can determine how God wants you to raise a family, to treat your wife, to speak to your friends and to pass on gracefully with a crown of righteousness as a reward for faithful service following salvation.

Unfortunately, many of the churches (including Baptist churches) don’t believe any Bible to be perfect. This is why they don’t teach it, preach it, practice it or even tell their people what version they believe God preserved to this generation. Instead they share, cope, and relate. Think about it. If God has called a man to preach and that man says that he stands firmly on the Word of God, what has he said?

Well at first glance, this seems like a fine orthodox statement. But anyone knows there are hundreds of bibles out there, all claiming to be “the Holy Bible.” It is also clear that things that are different are not the same and if the Bible’s don’t match, then they cannot all be God’s words. Now we see a little clearer that the man mentioned above has not really said anything. If you were to try to figure out which bible he believes, you wouldn’t be able to. It could be the Living Bible which has curse words in it in I Sam 20:30. It could be the New World Translation put out by Jehovah Witnesses that attacks Jesus’ place as God in John 1:1, I John 5:7 and Zechariah 12:10. It could be the NIV which calls Jesus “a son of the gods” in Daniel 3:25 and gives Jesus’ title as the Morning star (Revelation 22:16) to Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12). And the NASV, the CEV, the HCSB and the other “new” bibles make many similar changes. When a man says “I believe the Bible, he really has said nothing substantial. You don’t know what such a man believes and (unless he is completely ignorant of the one Book he should know the most about) he has purposely hidden what bible he stands on so you can’t tell.

Additionally, the emphasis in many churches has shifted from a focus on doctrine to a focus on people. Instead of God having first place, man has it. This is what caused the Lord Jesus Christ to tell Peter that he was full of Satan (“Get thee behind me, Satan; for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.”- Matthew 16:23)

At Bible Baptist Church of Fredericksburg, we work to reverse this trend, beginning at our services and spreading out through our efforts in the community. If you are tired of church being just a Christian social event and never growing in your walk with Christ, your knowledge of the Bible, or your power with God, we welcome you to come give God’s word an opportunity to do what it does best—bring spiritual life (John 6:63).

 We don’t have all the bells and whistles that some churches have. But we do have what the Lord Jesus Christ thought was important—Bible preaching and Biblical teaching. We have purposely avoided some things that you may be find at other churches, because they detract from Jesus Christ while they emphasize our flesh (light show, contemporary music, juice bar, entertainment church, etc). I believe you should know what you are getting into before you come. The Lord Jesus Christ is Who we are trying to please. Because of that, our services have an emphasis on preaching and doctrine. You’ll find the old hymn books in our churches. THese old hymns glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, have biblical doctrine and they encourage the congregation to be an active part of the worship in the church.

God says that preaching is “the power of God” (I Corinthians 1:18). Unfortunately, because of home churches and Laodicean churches, many churchgoers do not have biblical preaching as part of their diet. Some Christians do not even recognize a need for preaching. The Bible says that God manifests his word through preaching (Titus 1:3). If your spiritual walk is lacking, perhaps it is because there is a lack of biblical preaching.

Here at Bible Baptist, we put an emphasis on preaching and the word of God in the King James Bible. I firmly believe that my congregation needs to hear, not from me, but from God. If you do not hear from God and He does not deal with your heart, then church is in vain. So preaching at Bible Baptist is done from God’s words.

If you attend here, you will not get nice platitudes, pop psychology, what Dr So-and-So thinks, or any other “fluff” that stunts your spiritual growth. Instead the spiritual buffet here consists of “what does the Bible say”, verse-by-verse Bible study, Bible preaching, sincere prayer and an attempt to have the Bible’s perspective on all issues.

My goal is to please the Lord Jesus Christ and to be a help and a blessing to you. We would love to have you come out and grow in Christ with us through the preaching of the word. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact me and I will be happy to answer your questions, either over the phone or over a cup of coffee.

Pastor Stephen St. John